The Endocrine Disruption Exchange
From 2003 to 2019, TEDX produced and shared scientific evidence of endocrine disruption with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and the public. Although we are no longer operating, our website resources will remain available.

Drilling for Disruption

The connection between fossil fuel extraction, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and plastics runs deep. Each hole drilled into the ground brings up toxic chemicals that harm health and the environment at every stage of the process, from the wellhead to the refinery, from consumer goods in our homes to plastic waste that forever pollutes the earth.

The recent fracking boom is driving a massive effort to expand plastic production, which will bring even more of these harms into the world. Drilling for Disruption is designed to build awareness of the connection between fossil fuels and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals through plastic production, use, and disposal, so that we might work towards sustainable solutions.

Read The Fossil Fuel Connection, our one-page statement on the connection between fossil fuels and endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Hear Dr. Theo Colborn's thoughts about the Fossil Fuel Connection.

Listen to our podcasts where we ask experts from the Center for International Environmental Law “What does fracking have to do with plastic?”.

Learn about chemicals used in unconventional oil and gas development that are on our List of Potential Endocrine Disruptors.

Use our Oil and Gas Spreadsheets to find research related to health impacts of chemicals used in unconventional oil and gas operations.

Read our 2018 peer-reviewed paper on endocrine disruptors in air pollution associated with unconventional oil and gas extraction.

Most importantly, share what you learn with your colleagues, friends, and family. We created the easy-to-share images below to help you tell the story of how petrochemicals, like ethane, become endocrine disrupting plastic and how we are all at risk.


Here are other excellent resources we would like to draw your attention to: