Oil and Gas Development: Evaluating the Implications
Please join us on Thursday, April 13th at 12 pm Eastern to hear Dr. Lisa McKenzie present her recent paper on proximity to oil and gas development and risk for hematologic cancers in children 0-24 years old. She will also discuss the concept of proximity studies, levels of evidence, and future research needs in environmental health studies of oil and gas development.
Lisa McKenzie, PhD MPH, is an Assistant Research Professor at the Colorado School of Public Health. Her expertise is in exposure assessment and environmental epidemiology. Dr. McKenzie’s research investigating associations between adverse birth outcomes and childhood cancers, and proximity to oil and gas development, are among the first epidemiological studies on this topic to be published in the scientific literature. Her human health risk assessment indicated potential respiratory, neurological, and developmental health outcomes resulting from exposure to air pollutants emitted during natural gas development. She has testified before the United States Congress and the Denver Metropolitan Regional Air Quality Council on the public health implications of natural gas development.
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Listen to previous calls on health impacts associated with unconventional oil and gas production.